How to deal with sibling rivalry

Kids homeschooling

The root of rivalry between siblings is multiple births. Parents have a significant role to play in sibling rivalry. If this makes you uncomfortable, you may want to limit your family to one or two children. This is not the solution. All you need is to be proactive and swing into some actions.

When a family has only two children, sibling rivalry tends to be more ferocious. There are numerous easy-to-implement methods parents can employ to reduce the possibility of sibling rivalry. Here are some suggestions to help parents manage sibling rivalry in their home and bring their exceptional children together with love.

Why is it so difficult for them to get along?

If your kids are playing happily one minute and then get into a quarrel, it’s not a good idea to let them continue playing together.

Sibling rivalry will occur if you have more than one child. But even though sibling conflict is rather typical, parents who lack the appropriate resources may have a tough time dealing with it.

What Causes Rivalry Between Siblings?

These guides will help countless families put an end to sibling rivalry. Seeing your children get along is the best feeling in the world, and with the appropriate tools, it may put sibling rivalries to rest for good. Parents are happy when the children are happy.

Rivalry from children’s point of view.

When your oldest child was a baby, they were all you thought about. He didn’t have to share his time or toys with anyone because he met his requests quickly.

Afterward, he met his sister, who was a stranger to him. As a result, the mom is taking longer to breastfeed the baby, and he has to wait for the dad to finish changing the baby’s diaper before playing.

Toys become increasingly scarce as the children get older, and as the younger sister grows older and more self-reliant, she gets fed up with being dominated by bigger brothers.

Rather than yelling, your toddlers will misbehave to show their displeasure because they can’t vocally express themselves.

How To Prevent Sibling Rivalry? 

You can’t stop sibling rivalry entirely but can minimize it. There will be less yelling from the next room, and your home will be more peaceful as a result! Below are you can do to lessen sibling rivalry, prevent future incidents, and put an end to fights once they start:

Respect the uniqueness of each child.

Sibling rivalry can be minimized if diverse children’s hobbies and abilities are accepted and tolerated. This makes it tough to get children’s differences, especially those whose beliefs and ideals differ from our own. Parents have their expectations for and notions about what constitutes appropriate behavior for their children.

Provides honest feedback 

Do you give your children praise when they do the simplest of things like taking their medicine? Do you tell your kids how smart they are for following the rules of physics? Do you praise your children’s daily socialization routines, no matter how simple they may be? Then you respond with a firm no. 

Children’s self-esteem comes from the messages they hear and from the things they do in the world. Children under the age of ten have the most difficult time figuring out what they’re capable of and where they fit in the bigger picture. A supportive parent provides honest feedback to their children on their progress, but they make sure the input is grounded in reality and builds on the child’s strengths.

Make Them Responsible For One Another

When children misbehave, neglect their jobs, or cause a commotion, many parents spend time looking for the specific culprit. However, they would be better off putting both or all of their children in the same boat if any of them were less than perfect.

Making all children responsible for one another’s behavior improves cooperation and prevents children from becoming rivals. The next time a child makes a lot of noise in the car, avoid the urge to look for the offender. Instead, tell your children that if the trip is too noisy, everyone will be disappointed. You’ll then assign accountability for resolving the issue to the appropriate party.

Instead of focusing on the conflict, find solutions.

Parents can take one of two ways when their children are fighting: they can get involved or stay out of it. 

Parents should allow their children to handle conflicts independently. This strategy makes logical, but as most parents know, some fights can’t be ignored, especially if they happen right in front of you. If you choose to intervene, make sure you arrive early enough to avoid a full-scale battle.

Introduce the family to meetings when the child is about five years old.

Regular family meetings are an excellent method to help children get along better and prevent unnecessary disputes. They give kids a place to voice their grievances in a safe, regulated environment, and they allow them a say in family decisions. 

Meetings with the family function best when brief, held once a week or twice a month, and conclude with a fun activity. Every session necessitates strong leadership and should adhere to a set schedule.

Spend time together for fun

Whenever you’re having fun with kids, you’ll notice that the fighting stops or at least diminishes. It’s challenging to have a good time while also being angry. 

Spend some time as a family playing games, reading a book together, or engaging in other fun activities that foster engagement or togetherness. In times of trouble, youngsters who believe and feel like part of the same tribe are more likely to remain together.

The great responsibility of parents is the ability to bring their children together. And ensure one big family .Don’t fail as a parent.