How to Handle Picky Eaters

guacamole is gross
guacamole is gross

Do you know many children in this generation are very selective in eating or refuse to eat? Picky eater refers to when children repeatedly eat the same things, selective, or refuse to eat. Do you have a child who falls in this category? Worry not. Just read along

Toddler and preschool children are the most common times when children exhibit picky eating. Many parents are concerned that they aren’t getting enough nourishment to support healthy growth when it comes to picky eaters. However, as a parent, you need to be proactive to keep your children healthy. Below are strategies to deal with a picky eater with dos and don’t.

Picky Eating in Young Children 

Around the age of one, many youngsters begin to feed themselves and develop picky eating habits. They now have more freedom regarding what they consume and how much they eat, which gives them more control over their lives. As a result, they may consume a lot of everything on some days. On the other hand, on certain days, they may appear to consume little to nothing.

It is the responsibility of parents to provide healthy nutrition for their children throughout meal and snack times. When it comes to food, children are in charge of both what they eat and how much. This teaches children how to recognize when they are hungry and when they are full, so they may make good food choices based on that knowledge, such as eating just when hungry and quitting when they are satisfied.

The function of Parents?

This should come as no surprise, given that we are more likely to prepare the foods we prefer. New meals should be introduced as many times as possible to help a youngster become comfortable with them. Below are things you can do to encourage your child to eat more?

  1. Consume a wide selection of nutritious foods on your own. As a parent, make sure your dietary choices align with the kinds of things you want your child to consume.
  2. Plan and prepare meals for the entire family. do less of junks and do more of home cooking
  3. Try new meals; Children tend to be tired of a consistent feed. Consider new cousine. If you haven’t tried something new, your child will be less likely to change as a picky eater. Then:

Take Action for Children Who Refuse to Eat

There are numerous explanations as to why a child is more picky than usual when eating. It’s not uncommon for kids to have food sensitivities. You have the option to provide your child with various healthy food options, including foods they already like.

  1. Frequently offer new kinds of foods. Children need to be provided fresh food as many as 10-15 times before eating it.
  2. Track your child’s food sensitivities and keep them in mind when preparing meals. 
  3. Know if your child has trouble with “mushy” foods? Then offer apple slices instead of applesauce or a baked potato instead of mashed. 
  4. Talk to your health care provider about any nutritional concerns for your child.

Some children are simply less likely to try new things based on their temperament—their unique eating habits and taste pallet. In this situation, you have the option to:

  • Put fresh foods n your child already likes. 
  • Consider attractive food and pleasant color
  • Encourage him to touch, smell, lick or taste food.

Try Convenience foods

Use healthy dips such as yogurt, hummus, ketchup, or low-fat salad dressings to encourage children to eat fruits, vegetables, and meats.

Involve your child in preparing the meal (like dropping cut-up fruit into a bowl for fruit salad). Handling, smelling, and touching the food helps your child get comfortable with the idea of eating it. 

Let Children Help Themselves

Some children can seem “picky” because they want to feed themselves. Understanding your children is a great benefit. Then you have the option to:

  1. Offer finger foods that your child can feed herself.
  2. Offer a spoon to hold while you’re providing her. Let her feel in control.

Follow their Needs

Let your child decide where foods go on her plate—the peas there, the turkey there. If you’d like, you can also let your child serve herself, assist her to handle spoons. Some children are very active. They may seem picky because they don’t like sitting for long. You have the option to:

  1. Set your child’s meal out before he sits down.
  2. Keep mealtimes short—10 minutes or so. As soon as your child finishes, let them get up.
  3. Make sure your child has easy access to nutritious foods like strawberries or bananas so that when they are hungry, they can quickly find something to eat.

Certain foods can be problematic for children to swallow or digest because of medical conditions. For help, consult with a medical professional to find out if you need anything. When it comes to feeding, picky eaters require more assistance.