Interesting Ways to Prepare for labor

mother with newborn child

Labor isn’t as exciting as it is portrayed on television and in movies. Waiting and sitting around make up a large part of labor. Contractions can be anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes during the early stages, so you must be patient. 

Waiting can be emotionally tasking. If you’ve taken medicine like an epidural, being active during contractions might help keep you calm and focused.

Make a prank call

While it may seem absurd, doctors and midwives have been known to prescribe jokes during labor and delivery. A laboring mother can relax by exchanging jokes, and even discomfort can be relieved by smiling or laughing. As a result, consider bringing a joke book along with you or saving some amusing web pages to your browser’s favorites.

Comforting Techniques for a Pregnant Woman

Take part in contests and activities. Games can help you pass the time while also putting to good use the mental energy you’d otherwise be expending on labor-related thoughts. Games can keep a laboring mother and her partner from obsessing on when the baby will arrive or where the next contraction will be. In addition, there are a plethora of board games and card games to choose from. Consider:


Even if you don’t enjoy writing, the time between contractions or between getting an epidural and pushing can be a productive period for those who do. Send a text message to a few friends, or post a few things on Twitter or Facebook instead. You may even personalize the envelopes that you will use to send out baby shower invitations. Use your computer, phone, or pen and paper to accomplish these chores to keep your mind busy.


If you want to knit, crochet, sew or do anything else crafts, you might want to have some things ready for when you go into labor. Finish that baby scrapbook or quilt you started but haven’t had time to sew yet!

Take in a Film

If you’re in the early stages of labor or have had an epidural, movies are a great way to pass the time. If you have a computer or smartphone, you can usually carry entertainment with you. Expect a limited selection of films at the hospital or birthing center.

If you have to take breaks to concentrate on contractions, a shorter TV show may be preferable. Do not leave the television or computer alone while you are with your infant.


Yes, try to shut-eye if you can. This is good advice globally, whether at the home, hospital, or birthing center. Attempting to sleep is especially critical if you’re awake at a time when you’d ordinarily be sleeping.

The anticipation of labor should not keep you awake. No matter how sharp you are, you will not be able to sleep through the birth. So, take advantage of each opportunity for relaxation that comes your way. 

These techniques may help ease your fears about childbirth if they’re bothering you. These are the best approaches by moms who got broader experiences.

Take control of your life.

There isn’t a single woman who is the same as the next. Every person’s body is unique, as are their babies, and no two births are the same.

That’s why learning about childbirth and labor is essential. Knowing your options and the benefits and drawbacks of each might give you the confidence to decide how you want to give birth to your child.

  1. If you have any particular concerns, you can also speak to your midwife about them. They’ll answer all of your questions and explain how to deliver your baby in all scenarios safely.
  2. Antenatal lessons may also be beneficial to you.

Get your thoughts together.

It’s best not to listen to birth horror stories if you’re feeling anxious. If you had a poor experience, try to remember that there is a mother out there who has a fantastic tale to tell.

When you’ve had a poor experience in the past, it isn’t easy. However, try to be as optimistic as possible. 

Get your body ready.

Your body system necessitates a lot of strength and endurance, so getting your body ready is critical. Exercising can help you feel better mentally and physically during pregnancy as well.

You may want to look into prenatal exercise classes in your area. An example of this is a prenatal yoga class, which can be highly beneficial. It will assist you in:

  • Positioning your baby for birth, 
  • Teach positions to help you stay comfortable during labor, 
  • And teach you relaxation and breathing techniques to keep you calm. 

However, it does not matter what kind of exercise you do. Even a walk in the park can be helpful.

Work on your relaxation skills.

It is possible to reduce anxiety and manage pain by using breathing techniques before and after labor. If you want to feel confident using them when labor begins, you can practice as much as you like 

Consider a birth plan; this will efficiently make you overcome your worries and make meaningful choices. However, keep in mind that labor doesn’t often go according to plan, so you’ll need to be adaptable.