Getting Toddlers to Listen Without Yelling and Threats

parents helping children with homework at table at home

One sweet thing about being a mother is that she is naturally equipped towards positive parenting because this will lead to a good life. Unfortunately, we unconsciously found ourselves yelling at our hyperactive two-year-old kid to follow instructions. There were even times when we used incentives and threats to ensure our children complied. All these are not great parenting approaches.

These may appear to be working at the time but may not change the behavior, and it will have adverse effects on your kid in the future. When your child didn’t heed our instructions, or you try to convince your kids to listen to you. Do not yell, bribe, or threaten them; by so doing, you’re doing more harm than good. 

Best Options To Get your Toddlers Listen To You

Naturally, there are better options. Your kids will be afraid of you if you use threats, bribes, and threats of violence to get their attention. Instead, use these methods to teach them to obey and respect you as a parent. 

Aftermath Of Adopting Threat and Bribe

  1. Threats build separation and disrupt the parent-child relationship.
  2. Children learn only cooperation when their parents resort to employing threats and rewards to persuade them to cooperate. 
  3. In the long run, your child’s self-esteem and sense of capacity will be eroded by your child’s obedience.
  4. Parent-child relationships are damaged as a result.
  5. Yelling, bribery, and threats can also lead to resentment, more disagreements, and ongoing confrontations between the child and the parent.

Get Toddlers to Listen Without Yelling, Bribing, and Threats

Instead of yelling at our children, we should engage them in conversation. Follow the unique way to teach children to respect you. Do not get angry unnecessarily. Follow the below guide to breaking the vicious, unproductive loop once and for all.

Rewarding Children for Great Behavior

A reward isn’t inherently a bad idea, but it’s vital to know when to give it to your child. It’s essential to deliver a prize at the correct time.

Please don’t wait till you see your child misbehaving before offering a reward in exchange for their cooperation. If children fail to live up to their end of the contract, don’t be afraid to withhold the prize.

Get There 100% Attention.

Funny little boy filling his water bottle in public fountain while his father helps him.

Without yelling, threats, or bribes, there are ways to get kids to pay attention.

Make Eye Contact and Get Down to Their Level

Taking these two steps has enabled us to avoid and quit an unhealthy habit. When parents and children are on the same level, it is easier to communicate with one another. Imagining how big everything is for a child, including their parents, might be a bit daunting.

Get down on his level: say his name, and maintain eye contact with him instead of gazing down on him. Then, use a technique known as the whisper method.

Whisper method: This makes it seem like you are telling your son a secret, and he pays attention to what you’re saying.

Rather than saying no try saying yes.

Continuously saying “no” may cause some harm to your child. As a general rule, children who hear the word “no” repeatedly tend to ignore authority. Even more crucially, kids lose their self-confidence when they hear so many “no” s from their parents all the time.

Instead, Say Yes! and explain why you are rejecting his proposal. This will make your child have a better understanding of your teaching.

Acknowledge Their Discussion

It’s straightforward to get your kids to pay attention using this method, and it works amazingly. Just repeat back what the child is saying or requesting and acknowledge their sentiments are all that is needed.

It would help if you stopped using “bad boy” or “bad girl” when referring to someone. Surprisingly, He may begin to do things he hadn’t done before, such as not paying attention and other rude behavior. Try discussing how he behaves in school; listening with him at home is important.

Setting Your Expectations 

Using this method has been a massive help in getting our toddlers to listen and grasp what we want. And it’s a logical conclusion. If we don’t know what to expect, we don’t know how to respond. Our children are no different in this regard. 

Before you begin a task or an expedition, set expectations of behavior for your child so that they know what to expect, children have always behaved well when we’ve taken him out to eat, for example, since we always set expectations for him before going out to eat.

Work on these few things for good listening at home or building parent-child relationships. Kindly drop your great strategy used to listen to your kids.