5 Fun Bonding Ideas For Siblings

Kid hugging his younger brother

If you have more than one child, you know getting your kids to get along can sometimes be a difficult task. Siblings notoriously fight, and depending on the age gap, they may not have much in common with each other. Generally, siblings don’t begin getting along until they are grown, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start early helping them appreciate how special having a brother or sister truly is. 

If you spend hours a day breaking up fights or telling your kids to be nice to each other, you know how frustrating and overwhelming parenting siblings can get. Finding ways to help them bond can strengthen their relationship and lessen the amount of time they spend bickering. If you’re looking for sibling bonding ideas to help your home find peace, here is a list of five great options to get your kids on the right path. 

  1. Play A Fun Two Person Game

Games are a great way to get your kids playing and working together, all while having a great time. Try something a little bit silly to help break down any walls they may have put up toward each other. Maybe get an oversized t-shirt and have them put it on together. See how many different activities they can do while wearing it. Keep the activities light-hearted and silly, don’t make them do chores or anything that can turn stressful. Maybe they have to play basketball or do a backyard obstacle course. Getting them laughing will help them bond and enjoy each other’s company. 

  1. Gardening 

Gardening is an excellent way to get your kids to work together while experiencing the satisfaction of creating and watching their hard work take root (pun intended). Take a trip to your local nursery and let them pick out which plants or vegetables look interesting. Teach them that a garden is where they help each other and give each other encouragement. Being outdoors and seeing the fruits of their labor will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment that will grow them closer together in the shared experience. 

  1. Compete Against Their Parents

Having your kids compete against their parents is an excellent way to join forces and bring out their competitive nature. Plan a game night or an outdoor activity where they have to work together to win. Knowing they are competing against you will motivate them to get along and figure out how to come out victorious. Whether they win or lose, they will have a blast trying to beat you and feel a sense of belonging with a fun “us against them” mentality. Keep the games lighthearted to avoid hurt feelings. The object is to have fun; winning is just an added benefit. 

  1. Celebrate The Others Birthday

Birthdays are always exciting, and having your kids get involved in celebrating their sibling’s birthdays can deepen their bond. Have them brainstorm possible gift ideas and help choose and hang decorations. Letting them think about their siblings’ favorite toys or characters gives them a more profound sense of who they are and causes them to connect with them. Knowing how much time and thought went into their birthday celebration will give your child an appreciation for their brother and sister they may not have had before. 

  1. Have A Cook-Off

Again tapping into their sense of competitiveness, having your kids do a cook-off is a great way to support bonding while getting them involved in the kitchen. You can recreate their favorite cooking gameshow, give them a bunch of ingredients for which they have to figure out a recipe, and set up a time limit they need to finish before. They can work together to help each other and share ingredients. In the end, they’ve created a fun meal they can enjoy and worked together to accomplish a common goal. 

Having siblings is a blessing, even if they haven’t discovered that yet. If you’re struggling with getting your kids to stop fighting or you’d like to find ways to deepen their bond, many activities can help you accomplish your goal. Playing a fun game, gardening, competing against you, celebrating each other’s birthdays, or having a cook-off are a few great ways to get started. Have patience and keep encouraging them to work together and consider the way their actions affect the other. Soon you will begin to see their behavior change, and the bond between them will grow.