Strategies to Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight

Boy checking his weight on weight scale

Scientific research has shown that healthy eating and regular physical activity have positive effects on long-term weight maintenance.
According to the experts, on the subject, weight control lies in achieving a balance, that is, balancing the amount of calories you eat with the amount of calories your body spends or “burns.”
The caloric balance is like a scale. To be in balance and maintain your weight, the calories you consume (from food) must be balanced with the calories you expend (for normal body functions and physical activity).

i.e Calories consumed = food and drinks.
And calories expended = bodily functions (respiration, digestion, metabolism) and physical activity.

How Do You Know if You Have a Caloric Balance?

If your body weight is stable, you are in caloric balance. If you need to gain weight or lose weight, to achieve your goal you will need to tip the scales in one direction or the other.
To get closer to knowing how many calories you are currently eating, start writing down the foods and drinks you consume each day. By writing down what you eat and drink, you will be more aware of everything you consume and create more awareness. It is also recommended to write down the physical activity you do every day and for a way long you practice.
Find a pencil and paper to start using these simple and helpful tools.
Though, the body requires calories for normal function and for physical activity. Physical activity is any body movement that makes the body work. The daily physical activity of a person is divided into several areas, and this includes;
The activity that you carry out during their working hours.
The activity they carry out such as travel or transportation.
The activity you do at home as part of your daily tasks and the recreational activity you do in your free time.

It is important to reflect on the physical activity you are doing in these various areas and come up with a plan to increase your level of physical activity. For example, using the stairs more and not the elevator in your workplace, already represents a change and a greater expenditure of calories.
Each person will choose the activities that they like the most and that they can do.
Physical activity in any area of lifestyle helps keep the balance by increasing the calories you expend on a day to day basis. It is good to choose something that is enjoyable and doable so that you don’t give it up easily.
In general, it is recommended to get 150 minutes or more per week of physical activity (moderate) or 75 minutes per week of physical activity (vigorous), in addition to muscle-strengthening exercises twice a week.
It is also worthy to note that healthy lifestyle requires balance in the food you eat, the beverages you drink, the way you carry out your daily activities, and the amount of physical activity or exercise you include in your daily routine. The final test of balance is whether you gain, maintain, or decrease your weight. For best results, see your doctor or nutritionist for advice on this process.

Tips for a Healthy Family Weight

  • Share healthy weight information with your family members
  • Promote recreational plans and activities that allow you to increase physical activity as a family: walks, hikes and bike paths,
  • Have breakfast at home every day and if possible as a family.
  • Eat at home, limit fast foods at restaurants, and seek dinner as a family at the table.
  • Encourage your children to remain hydrated, promote water consumption. Avoid sodas and sugary drinks
  • Participate in the purchase and preparation of food: Allow children to participate in the choice of menus, fruits, vegetables and their preparation.
  • Control the time that children are in passive activities: computer use, video games and television.
  • Periodically monitor the growth and weight of your children. If you have questions or concerns about the child’s weight, consult the health service for advice and appropriate treatment.

Maintaining your ideal body weight can sometimes be a little challenging no matter what phase you are in your weight loss goal. You can make use of these tips to achieve your goal.
If you’re overweight, losing even a couple of pounds can improve your health.

What Happens When Your Weight Is Within a Healthy Range?

Your body circulates blood more efficiently.
Fluid levels are more easily managed.
You are less likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer, gallbladder stones, osteoarthritis, breathing problems, and sleep apnea.
You may feel better about yourself and have more energy to make other positive changes in your health.

However, there is no “secret” to success; you have to work it out.

Final Tips to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Okay, now that you have managed to lose some weight. Can you relax? No, not yet! Maintaining the weight can take the same effort as lowering it.
Learn from other people who have done it and follow their lead.
Make sure you have a social support network of friends, family, and health professionals to support your new healthy habits.
Find healthy ways to motivate yourself to keep going.
And remember, you can’t do it on diet alone. Exercise is also important.

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