Overcoming Low Self Esteem

What Are the Ways Out?

Meaning of self-esteem

Self-esteem is the assessment you have of yourself. It can be positive, high self-esteem, or negative, low self-esteem.
It is formed with the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences that you have had throughout your life.


With high self-esteem, you feel good about yourself. You appreciate what you are worth. You are proud of your abilities, skills, and achievements.
With low self-esteem, you feel that no one will like you, that no one will accept you, or that you are not good at anything.
Good or bad self-esteem will influence all aspects of your life, within the formation of your personality and also in your happiness.

Genesis of Self-esteem

It is formed from birth. It can vary throughout life. It is closely linked to the society in which you are born and live.
Children’s self-esteem is the most delicate period. From birth, feeling loved and protected by your parents will make you feel like someone important and valuable.
The adolescent’s self-esteem changes and tends to decrease.
Friends, teachers, movies, social networks influence the ideas you had about yourself.
The adolescent believes that his physical appearance is crucial for his happiness, he thinks that to achieve his goals he must be accepted by his environment and this also includes his appearance.
The adolescent needs to seek new emotions, try different styles of clothing, music, and friendships. He is at the age to experiment and to feel that he is the one who decides.

Indicators of High Self-Esteem

  • You will want to learn and try something new.
  • Be optimistic about the future.
  • Set objectives and goals.
  • Be safe and responsible for your actions.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses and accept criticism.
  • Face failures and problems.
  • Trust in yourself.
  • Have emotional stability. Know how to like and be loved.
  • Have the facility to have friendships.
  • Be sensitive to the needs of others and cooperate.

High Self-Esteem Will Help You To

  • Acceptance of yourself
  • Respect for you
  • Respect to the others
  • Increase personal training
  • Your expectations: good mental, emotional, sexual, social health.

Indicator Behaviors of Low Self-Esteem

  • Refuse study, sports, or social activities for fear of failure.
  • Lack of compromise.
  • Cheat, lie, blaming others.
  • Regressive behaviors like (playing small).
  • Don’t trust yourself. Insecure attitudes.
  • Excessive shyness, aggression and defiant attitude.
  • The continual need for attention.
  • Lack of discipline.

Consequences of Low Self-Esteem

  • Risk of drug abuse.
  • Mental illness.
  • Eating disorder.
  • And problems with society.

What Are the Ways Out?

  • Start thinking about positive aspects; each day writes down three things about yourself that cause you to happy.
  • Realize your goals. Don’t try to achieve perfection.
  • Errors are part of learning. Nobody is perfect.
  • Try new activities.
  • If something does not make you happy and you can change it, start now.
  • If there is something you cannot change (such as your height), start loving yourself as you are.
  • Set goals. Follow an idea and record your progress.
  • Be happy with your opinions and concepts. Don’t be afraid to say them.
  • Collaborate with others. Teach a classmate. Become a volunteer for an association.
  • Exercise, sport. You will remove stress and you’ll be healthier and happier.
  • Have a good time. Do things you like with friends.
  • Sometimes low self-esteem issues cannot be overcome without help.
  • Talk to your parents or someone else who supports you.
  • If you have the feeling that your self-esteem is negatively impacting your life, ask for help. You need them to help you see objectively and give positivity to your skills and abilities.

Talk to your parents or another adult with whom you have a relationship of friendship or in whom you trust – a person who supports you and does not look down on you

The Roles of Parent

  • Show them affection, praise them, and hug them.
  • Listen to them without judging them. Pay attention to them once they need it.
  • Show them the alternatives to a problem and let them make their decisions.
  • Maintain a climate of positive relationships in the family.
  • Be clear on values and norms. Respect their way of doing things.
  • Respect their points of view and opinions even if they are not shared.
  • Respect their belongings and objects even if they lack value.
  • Help them set personal goals and achieve them.
  • Explain that you don’t always win and that you have to know how to lose or settle.
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I have always had a thing for the written words. I wrote my first piece of creative writing when I joined the debate team during my undergraduate days, and since then, I have wondered how stitching the right words together can have a massive impact on the readers. I later joined the Editorial team of my department, where I wrote several blogs and articles on a wide range of topics such as lifestyle, travel, and fitness. I just recently learned about copywriting, and I find it more enjoyable. That I can help my clients drive more sales and delight their customers brings me a lot of fulfillment. I'm a Direct Response Copywriter and Seo content writer who help businesses with - Sales Emails - Landing pages - Blog posts - Email campaigns and - Sales letters My mindset when writing a Copy or blog post is that whatever I'm writing has the power to change the reader's life forever.